lundi 23 mars 2009

Vers l'église

L'avenue Alsace Lorraine qui part de la gare et va jusqu'au centre ville ..Quelques décennies séparent ces deux clichés , les voitures en plus!
The avenue ''Alsace Lorraine'' from train station and goes to the city center .. few decades between those two pictures, cars and more!

4 commentaires:

  1. Love that. It's an interesting street. But I'm always amazed at how things can stay essentially the same for hundreds of years in Europe...

    In the States, you drive by one building and two weeks later it's gone and another has been constructed in its place!

  2. J'adore les avant - après celuici n'a pas trop changé

  3. Beautiful view! Great idea with the old photo and the new!
