mardi 24 février 2009

les bancs publics

ces bancs sont en plein centre ville tout près de la route, relativement inconfortable, en plein milieu d'une zone piétonne et comme vous pouvez le constater, on se tourne le dos!! bizarre non?
these benches are in the city center near the road, rather uncomfortable in the middle of a pedestrian area and as you can see, we turn our backs! strange no?

6 commentaires:

  1. hallo. I can not speak English good like you:) Glad you like my photos, I'm taking it all myself. There are a lot more to be added in my photos. I would follow you liked the photo in your blog.

  2. L'aménagement urbain est souvent source d'étonnement! On aurait peut-être du prévoir des sièges pivotants pour contenter à la fois les bavards et les solitaires?

  3. Yes! They are turned strangely and they look cold too! It's a nice shot with the pump in the background:)

  4. I have to go back to make a picture of the nude woman, you know, she is bending forward and I don't know if it suited the policy of DP.. but I have a tip for you this is from an other DBlogger, hilarious!
    Cheers Marcel

  5. C'est vrai que ce n'est pas très accueillant comme siège ...

  6. It is an interesting arrangement for benches...and I note they're empty!
